Organic Thyme - Leaf Cut | 60 g
Product Number : 75177
Thyme is used for all respiratory tract conditions where there
is productive or spasmodic cough. As an expectorant and
anticatarrhal, it frees the bronchi and calms inflammation.
Thyme’s action on the bronchial cilia helps expectorate mucus.
It is antiseptic and rich in antibacterial volatile oils. Drinking a hot
infusion disperses the essential oils in the lungs, where they have
a direct action on the respiratory tract. Thyme has a relaxing effect
on the smooth muscles of the bronchi, making it very effective to
treat coughs. It soothes spasmodic cough and sore throat. Thyme
reduces inflammation of the mucus membrane of ear, nose and
throat and is antibacterial and antiviral. It is diaphoretic, relieves
fever and is used in the treatment of cold, flu, laryngitis and
Thyme is used as a gargle to relieve sore throat, tonsillitis and
mouth sores. Thyme helps reduce bad breath and is an active
antibacterial on P. gingivalis, a bacteria that contributes to the
development of certain pathologies of the mouth and teeth, such
as gingivitis and stomatitis. It is also antioxidant.
Thyme is also beneficial for the digestive system. It is antispasmodic,
carminative and calms abdominal pain, bloating and gas caused by
dyspepsia. It is antiparasitic and efficient against certain bacteria
(H. pylori) and yeasts (Candida albicans). Thymus vulgaris is a mild
astringent used for diarrhea, especially in children. A cold or cool
infusion tones the digestive system. Also, its antiseptic and diuretic
properties are very efficient to treat urinary tract infections.
The active principles of thyme are volatile oils (thymol, carvacrol,
linalool), tannins, flavonoids (eriodictyol, luteolin, naringenin),
acids (rosmarinic, caffeic), saponins, resins, polysaccharides
(arabinogalactane) and bitter principles.
Helpful associations:
- Pulmona Tea for spasmodic cough, irritation of the bronchi.
- Bronchix or Plantain Syrup for irritation of the bronchi, bronchitis.
- Vocalix for sore throat and laryngitis.
- Estomix for gas, bloating and digestive troubles.
- Parasitix for parasites.
- Gingivix for mouth and teeth problems accompanied by inflammation of the gums.
- Immune system: whooping cough, laryngitis, tonsillitis (as a gargle).
- Respiratory system: bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, catarrh of the respiratory tract.
- Genito-urinary system: bedwetting (children).
- Digestive system: colic, flatulence, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, parasites, fungus infection, gastritis, acid reflux.
- Other uses: gingivitis (gargle), inflammation of the mouth caused by chemotherapy (gargle), convalescence, allergies.
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More Information
Organic Thyme - Leaf Cut (Thymus vulgaris)
Pour 1 litre of boiling water over 2 tbsp of herb, cover and let steep for 15 minutes. Filter.
Intervention: 4-6 cups per day, for 2-3 weeks.
Treatment: 3-4 cups per day, for many weeks -
Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not use if hypersensitive or allergic to the Lamiaceae (mint) family.
None known. -
- Organic certified
- No additives
- No coloring
- No added sugar
- Gluten free
- Soy free
- Non GMO
- Kosher
- Vegan
- Non-irradiated
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